Thursday, April 21, 2011

Finally Friday...

It seems like some weeks fly by while others last FOREVER!  This was one of those weeks.  Monday and Tuesday brought family for Seder, Wednesday was spent in Boston (all day) for tests, and today I spent the day putting Seder dishes away and getting the house back to normal.  There are still a few days left until Passover will be done but at least now we have the furniture back where it belongs, the bulk of the dishes and supplies are put away, and we can continue almost like normal.  Chemo was postponed until tomorrow so it makes the week seem just a little bit longer.

Seders went well.  For the most part everyone behaved.  There was a lot of tension, though, among the kitchen crew.  I'm not sure what that was all about but I am willing to bet it is deep-rooted and will never be truly resolved.  Thank you to my daughters, though, who were big helps when the time came.  Could not have done it without them.  Thank you to the family and to Bubbe and Aunt Shelly for their guidance and support.  The funny thing too is that, although my blood pressures had been running high, when I took them on Monday and Tuesday nights, after having the entire family here, they were almost normal.  I'm not sure what that says about me...or them. 

I am looking forward to Easter now.  I WANT CHOCOLATE in the worse way!  Sunday, after Mass, I will have my first taste since being diagnosed.  I hope that this doesn't go the way of black jelly beans and turn out being something I just can't stomach while I am recovering.  I can almost deal with not having jelly beans, but chocolate...  I am keeping the fingers crossed. 

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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