Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Sunday

Another quick weekend.  It seems they take forever to get here and are gone in a blink.  I think we got a lot accomplished this weekend.  We visited with friends in Maine.  We slept.  We got the lawn mowed (when I say we here I actually mean Steve).  I have finished two of my three assignments for Tuesday's class.  I am working on the third now.  We have spent time together and time apart this weekend, which is good for all involved.  We have argued!  I think that has a lot to do with the weather though.  Tempers are a little short and we are a little tired from the whirlwind that is our lives.  It's okay to argue once in a while as long as you kiss and make up at the end, or at least can be civil to each other.  Oh, my work is done too.  I do feel like I accomplished stuff. 

Lauren went to NY this weekend.  Emily stayed home.  Steve stayed with me.  He needs a hobby!  I wish the weather would break so he could go ride his motorcycle.  He is always happy after a ride. 

So how am I feeling, you ask?  Not bad!  I am a little behind on the water this weekend so I have to really force myself today to get it down.  I am not a fan of food simply because I can't really taste it anymore.  Everything tastes the same.  It really doesn't seem worth the bother.  Still, I eat.  I have actually gained a pound for every week I have had chemo.  The nurse tells me this is due to the steroids, which I kind of knew but I really thought I would be losing weight during chemo since everyone else I know who has had chemo has done so.  My nurse tells me I will become the incredible melting woman as soon as we are done with chemo.  I think I will continue to eat foods that are good for me and hope for the best.  I wish, though, I had the energy to do a little more exercising than I have been.  I asked Steve to take my bike down this weekend (which he has done) so I can ride around the neighborhood a couple of times a day.  I think that will help.  I also think the dog's walks can get a little longer too, but we will see how hubby feels about that. 

Overall things are going okay.  We have just finished treatment #8, I believe (or it could have been 9, I'm not sure anymore).    I know we have three weeks left before we start going every OTHER week, which is very exciting for me and for Steve.  He can actually work a normal week every OTHER week.  The cocktails change, though, so I might not find myself as well off as I do now.  I will stick with the positive thoughts and remind myself these are not "poisons" I am putting into my body but rather rehabilitative fluids that are helping me to have a healthy body. 

I know I have been really touchy about my hair.  So far I still have eyebrows and eyelashes.  YEAH for me.  I am finding it easier to be outside without a wig or hat too.  I actually loaded the truck with stuff going to Maine and someone drove by.  My world did not end.  I have answered the door a couple of times without thinking about what was on my head too.  That sounds like progress to me.  If it was a friend telling me about these things I would certainly give credit for progress.  Why would I not do that for myself?!

Keeping the faith!  :~)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Love to laugh

I love to laugh.  I love TV shows that are stupid.  The Big Bang Theory does this, which I am missing right now to do my blog.  We watched Alice in Wonderland earlier as a family.  I really didn't expect to like it but I did.  The book was very hard to read and I read it so long ago.  Perhaps I should try again this summer.  I love most Robin Williams movies.  I love spending time with my friends and family.  It gets tense sometimes when "issues" come up but they are friends, and family, so you work it out and end up laughing in the end.  Tomorrow is daddy/daughter/Nana day.  Dad and Kathy (aka Nana) will come down for lunch and then we will hang out for a couple of hours.  That always makes me laugh.

Know what doesn't make me laugh...getting the IV every week (Getting it out does though).  I also don't laugh when my stomach gets upset after chemo (luckily this doesn't happen very often).  I can laugh off hot flashes now, but not so much heartburn.  I also don't laugh when I speak with my nieces on Facebook.  I love them tremendously but have not been able to see them for two years or so.  There are family issues I guess and I'm not allowed in anymore.  I MISS THEM TERRIBLY!  That makes me sad.  I can laugh and be happy, though, when I think about the times we did share and what wonderful girls they are inside.  Both of their parents loved them well, just not necessarily each other.  I'm glad that they still get to have both parents in their lives though.  They need that.  Anyway, enough sadness -- back to laughing.

I love to swing on the swings and go as high as I can.  Perhaps not the best thing I could be doing right now, but then again, maybe it is.  I love to wander around the garden center and think about where I would plant all the plants.  I love to move furniture and see how my rooms look with things switched around.  Unfortunately my house and furniture don't work well together and I can only have things work well in one particular configuration.  That is sometimes frustrating but I still try.  I love playing ball with the dog.  I wish he enjoyed it as much as I do though.  I throw the ball maybe a half dozen times and he quits.  I love baking cookies and then sending them to the neighbors.  I don't want them in the house.  I just love baking them. 

I love hanging with my inner circle.  These are the people who are on list #1.  (Let me explain that -- list number one is my index finger.  These people are the ones I can call at anytime and know they will race to be here no matter what I need.  They are not a huge group because I don't let many people that close.  List #2, however, is my middle finger, for those people who say they want to help but then are totally unavailable or difficult to deal with when I do ask for help.  Given they are the middle finger I assume you can figure out where they stand, and that list is not too long either.)   Everyone else is on my list of gratitude.  I certainly could not face this battle without them.  I want to spend the most time with list #1.  They make me laugh, they comfort me, they build me up, they take care of me and what I need.  They tell me to stop and take care of me and then make me when I resist.  They fill my heart.   They are the ones I need to be successful in this battle.  Thanks to all of you, and you know who you are!

Keeping the faith!  :~)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The voice is going...

My symptoms are starting to pile up.  I am more fatigued as of late and the hot flashes are coming fast and furious.  Now it seems I am losing my voice.  They did mention that the regimen I am on takes a toll on the structures of the throat.  I can no longer yell at Emily.  (She is so sad about this!)  I am working just above a rasp.  No sore throat or anything, just no voice.  So, let's take inventory -- fatigue, heartburn, hot flashes, no voice, bloating (have I forgotten to mention that ? -- probably from the steroids I need to take during infusion),  insomnia most nights (due to the hot flashes and night sweats), and I am bald as a cueball.  Emily still calls me "beautiful" every morning.  God bless her sweet heart!

Oh, and my mind is going too.  I suffer from CRS (can't remember shit) on a regular basis!  Sorry, I forgot.

For tonight I am going to make myself a cup of lemon tea, throw in some honey, and call it a day.  I have been at my computer all day working on my critical task for school.  I have just submitted it for plagarism review and will probably work some more tomorrow on the presentation.  Luckily that is almost done too.  I just need to figure out what I am going to say while I am doing it -- providing I have a voice to do so.  

Keeping the faith!  :~)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogspot has issues too!

I tried so hard to post yesterday but the site was having troubles.  Oh well, blame it on solar flares. 

I wanted to share some random thoughts today.  First, thank God the sun is out and shining brightly.  I needed a little sun therapy, although I was reminded by a friend that the Son is there every day and all I have to do is look for him.  How humbling for me and how grateful I am for such reminders. 

Next, I am no longer a newbie.  Steve and I went to DF with Lauren this week (who actually managed to get up and be pleasant at 5:00 in the morning).  We arrived to follow a confused CT driver into the parking deck.  As they backed up the ramp to obtain a ticket from the machine (not the attendant), which is the routine, Steve and I looked at each other and laughed "newbie."  We followed them to P3, the early arrival parking area, and followed them into the elevator.  They showed the confusion that we did initially about where they were going and I felt honored to guide them on this first visit.  I am eight weeks into a 20-week chemo protocol.  I am no longer wet behind the ears, but I am not finished yet either.  A couple of weeks ago I had the honor of going into the phlebotomy room with a woman receiving her last chemo treatment.  We got our IVs placed together and walked back to the waiting room together.  As we parted company I congratulated her on completing chemo.  She smiled at me and said "You'll get there soon."  This is such an amazing journey!  I have met wonderful people whom I would not have had I not been given this challenge. 

We went to Kelly's Diner in Somerville on the way home so Lauren could share that experience too.  We love diners.  The food is not fancy but the people are amazing.  There are so many stories.  Anyway, we had our lunch and made the journey home.  I think we will try something different next week.  We'll have to wait and see.  There is actually another diner-like place we have eyed every week and maybe that will be our destination of the week.  We arrived home around noonish and I wanted to crash and rest.  Steve has so much nervous energy though that it makes it hard to do so.  It took him a couple of hours to find something to hold his interest and then I got to rest.  I love having my appointments in the early morning hours but then I am not sure what to do with myself, or him, for the afternoon and evening. 

Today is our 22nd wedding anniversary.  I love my husband very much and I am looking forward to having him all to myself for the evening.  Lauren is going to Jon's.  Emily is working until 9:00.  Steve and I have no solid plans but I am hoping to have something in the works before he gets home!!  Anyway, I must get working on it...

Keeping the faith!  :~)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gray again

I wonder sometimes how I am supposed to stay positive about everything that is going on when it always seems to be so gray outside.  The sun has not made an appearance in days (weeks it seems) and people are quite cranky or, just maybe, it seems it is just me!  I am tired of being in the house all the time.  I am tired of being tired -- well, technically of being tired followed by periods when I feel like I have to get up and go.  I'm tired of not being able to complete a task without resting for a while.  I need just one very sunny day where I can be outside for a while but one that is not too hot that I have to go inside or risk being skin-damaged.

I guess this is karma showing up.  I have had such a good reaction to my treatment that I have felt guilty about not feeling worse.  Now I have symptoms and I'm mad because I am used to being able to do what I want to do.  I have really not left the house, for more than quick errands, in I am not sure how long.  Mother's Day, I guess.  I went out to lunch with the family -- and suffered tremendous heartburn for the rest of the day -- and fatigue to boot.  Yesterday I barely could drag myself around the house.  Today I felt better until I cleaned the bathroom and then, once again, fatigue set in -- and heartburn.  I am taking my medication on a regular basis now, hoping that this will take the edge off a bit.  The fatigue is just going to have to work its way out over time.  I feel like just a sloth though hanging out on the couch all day. 

I need to go shopping.  I need to buy shampoo and razor blades.  I need to take a shower without worrying about how dirty the bathroom is.  I need to clean the floors.  I need to have something interesting to do again.  I am not a housewife.  I am not a personal shopper (okay, well maybe being Mom makes me both of these but not intentionally).  Maybe because my class was canceled tonight I am having a pity party about not getting out, gray as it is out there.  I like being with adults and having intelligent conversation.  Maybe next week.  In the meantime I will continue working on what I have in front of me and get that accomplished to my best. 

Keeping the faith (barely)!  :~)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday already

What a fast week and weekend.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  It was a chilly one but survivable.  I went to First Communion Mass to see the second group of second graders receive and then took my aunt to the cemetary to clean the graves.  When I got home my family took me to lunch and then I collapsed in exhaustion.  I slept for a couple of hours and I really don't know that I ever fully recovered.  I think I pushed a little too hard to be "good" last week and now I am feeling fully drained.  Even today I am still dragging my bottom from room to room. 

I have so much school work to do today too.  Luckily I just got a message on-line from my professor that her surgery took a little more out of her than she thought it would (not that I am happy about that for her) and that she was cancelling class tomorrow night.  Now I have to finish the second chapter, develop a discussion for the board, and work on my critical task.  Not too much...yeah!  I am still waiting to hear back from my general education teacher interview teacher.  Hopefully I will be able to get Em to complete hers before tomorrow and I can submit that assignment and cross it off my list. 

In the meantime, I have taken two naps so far today, each for about 45 minutes.  Emily will not be home until after driver's ed at 8:00 and Lauren is with Jon.  I have time to work on assignments and rest as I need to.  It would be great if I could get something done in the meantime -- maybe my interview reflections or start the critical task.  Whatever, I think I will just listen to my body today rather than trying to do it all.  It would be nice to be back on track.  Shopped this morning for a return to healthy eating.  The family will be happy about that, although I did break down and buy their hot dogs and macaroni and cheese they have been begging for.  Sometimes you just have to give in...

Keeping the faith!  :~)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Wet Wednesday!

I just planted grass seed.  I found a bag in the garage with a little left over from last year so I decided, since it's going to rain anyway, I will throw it out there and see what happens.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!  :)  I am usually brought down by the gray skies and rain but today I am hopeful that it will bring wonderful change (in my lawn) and that it will not flood my basement, like sometimes happens when we get a lot of rain.  I will just be hopeful.

Tomorrow is chemo treatment #8 (?).  I am losing track but I think it is #8.  It is a long one!  I will get all three infusions tomorrow in addition to having blood work and seeing the doctor.  It is going to be an ALL DAY affair.  I just printed a bunch of information for my critical task for school.  Guess what I will be doing while I am sitting in the office tomorrow waiting for my name to be called...  I was assigned Other Health Issues - Diabetes.  How very exciting for me.  Luckily I have some life experience around working with students with diabetes so I have a jumping off point -- not to mention the fact that we have had many family members who have had the disorder.

As for me, things are still going well.  I find myself focusing more and more on the stuff on my list rather than taking care of me.  I have to be reminded every now and then (whether it be from severe heartburn or drop-dead fatigue) that I am still battling cancer and that I need to put myself rather than my list first.  It's tougher to do when you feel so well most days.  Anyway, tomorrow will certainly be a reminder that I need to take it easy and follow the directions of my doctors.  I will do my best to be a good patient. 

Keeping the faith!  :~)

Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm not sure what I'm feeling today!

May 2nd and the news of the day is the death of Bin Laden.  While I am relieved that an evil man has been removed from the Earth and can no longer hurt anyone, I am concerned about fallout and the fact that, even though he was a bad man he was still one of God's creatures.  I thoroughly believe God don't create junk so every (YES EVERY) person has something that is good about them.  It may not be apparent to me or the rest of the world but there had to have been something good about this person if he was created in God's image.  I blame the nature and nurture debate for anything that goes awry with someone.  They were perfect when created, someone here must have screwed them up!  Just my belief! 

The news left me feeling a bit off needless to say.  I think our troops have done a phenomenal job in creating a safer world but at the same time -- why can't we all just get along?!  Accept the differences in each other and rejoice in the fact that we are all different and have something unique to offer the world.  What does this have to do with my cancer battle you might wonder.  Not much, and everything.  Directly my life is not affected by whether Bin Laden is alive or dead, anymore than any other criminal or terrorist.  Indirectly, I relish the idea of each of us having something different to offer.  If everyone was like me then cancer would be running rampant in the community because I know little to nothing about how to fix it.  Luckily there are others with their own unique abilities who know how to research and think and plan and treat so that I can get better.  What if a serial killer (I know, I know - I don't like the idea either) held the secret to curing cancer?  Wouldn't the world be a better place if we had access to that information by way of him/her living?   What if, for example, that serial killer had cancer and upon his/her death samples of the tumors were taken and a vaccine was developed from the findings?  Wouldn't that make this horrible person capable of something good?

Too much time to think today I guess.  Everyone is back at school and work and I have been working on checking off my to-do list.  I should probably be working right now but I find my mind is too scattered given the day's events to try to focus.  Em will be home in a bit and we have to go to town to open her savings account.  When I go in I will do the few errands that I have to do and in the meantime maybe I could get some housework done.  It's just an idea. 

On another note, yesterday my first group of second graders made their First Communion.  I snuck into church hoping not to draw attention away from the teachers I had left in charge of my class when I left.  I felt that since they had done all the prep work for getting the cherubs to their day I would just sit in the background and watch.  Not in the plan...I was spotted by a mom who relayed my presence to the director and, before I knew it, I was handing out certificates at the end of Mass.  I felt like I was intruding on their day but they insisted that it was my place to be there since it was my class.  I don't agree, but I will do as they ask since they have been so wonderful about supporting me.  Next week I will try harder to stay out of sight!  :)

Keeping the faith! :~)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vacation week is over!

It seems like it takes forever for school vacations to arrive and then they are over in a snap!  The same could be said about this school year.  It seems like it just started and already today is May 1st.  Happy May everyone.  There are only about 7 or 8 weeks left for students to be in school before summer break.  It seems the older I get the faster they go. 

As for the battle, it's been a relatively quiet and good week.  Treatment consisted of only one infusion this week, which went quickly.  Emily accompanied us to Boston this week and she got a birds-eye view of treatment.  I'm not sure what she thought.  She really has not said much, but, then again, she never does.  I did get a huge bruise on my arm from the IV this week -- not very attractive at all.  I think this is just something to get used to but I will definitely speak with the doctor this week about it.   Nosebleeds and bruises at the IV seem to be my thing, I guess -- well, in addition to heartburn, hot flashes, and hair loss. 

Next week is a big week all around.  Lauren has her finals and will be home for the summer next weekend.  I have a visit with my oncologist this week in addition to a full course (3 infusions) of treatment.  I have been told the tumor is not visible and not felt so I am interested to see what the doctor will have to say about it.  I wonder what the surgery will entail since there is now no tumor.  I am sure she will refer me to the surgeon for questions like that.  I also wonder if there will be a need for as much radiation as they anticipated.  Hopefully not.  Anyway, I will ask my questions and do what the doctor a good patient, in other words. 

Keeping the faith!  :~)