Sunday, May 22, 2011

Happy Sunday

Another quick weekend.  It seems they take forever to get here and are gone in a blink.  I think we got a lot accomplished this weekend.  We visited with friends in Maine.  We slept.  We got the lawn mowed (when I say we here I actually mean Steve).  I have finished two of my three assignments for Tuesday's class.  I am working on the third now.  We have spent time together and time apart this weekend, which is good for all involved.  We have argued!  I think that has a lot to do with the weather though.  Tempers are a little short and we are a little tired from the whirlwind that is our lives.  It's okay to argue once in a while as long as you kiss and make up at the end, or at least can be civil to each other.  Oh, my work is done too.  I do feel like I accomplished stuff. 

Lauren went to NY this weekend.  Emily stayed home.  Steve stayed with me.  He needs a hobby!  I wish the weather would break so he could go ride his motorcycle.  He is always happy after a ride. 

So how am I feeling, you ask?  Not bad!  I am a little behind on the water this weekend so I have to really force myself today to get it down.  I am not a fan of food simply because I can't really taste it anymore.  Everything tastes the same.  It really doesn't seem worth the bother.  Still, I eat.  I have actually gained a pound for every week I have had chemo.  The nurse tells me this is due to the steroids, which I kind of knew but I really thought I would be losing weight during chemo since everyone else I know who has had chemo has done so.  My nurse tells me I will become the incredible melting woman as soon as we are done with chemo.  I think I will continue to eat foods that are good for me and hope for the best.  I wish, though, I had the energy to do a little more exercising than I have been.  I asked Steve to take my bike down this weekend (which he has done) so I can ride around the neighborhood a couple of times a day.  I think that will help.  I also think the dog's walks can get a little longer too, but we will see how hubby feels about that. 

Overall things are going okay.  We have just finished treatment #8, I believe (or it could have been 9, I'm not sure anymore).    I know we have three weeks left before we start going every OTHER week, which is very exciting for me and for Steve.  He can actually work a normal week every OTHER week.  The cocktails change, though, so I might not find myself as well off as I do now.  I will stick with the positive thoughts and remind myself these are not "poisons" I am putting into my body but rather rehabilitative fluids that are helping me to have a healthy body. 

I know I have been really touchy about my hair.  So far I still have eyebrows and eyelashes.  YEAH for me.  I am finding it easier to be outside without a wig or hat too.  I actually loaded the truck with stuff going to Maine and someone drove by.  My world did not end.  I have answered the door a couple of times without thinking about what was on my head too.  That sounds like progress to me.  If it was a friend telling me about these things I would certainly give credit for progress.  Why would I not do that for myself?!

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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