Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm not sure what I'm feeling today!

May 2nd and the news of the day is the death of Bin Laden.  While I am relieved that an evil man has been removed from the Earth and can no longer hurt anyone, I am concerned about fallout and the fact that, even though he was a bad man he was still one of God's creatures.  I thoroughly believe God don't create junk so every (YES EVERY) person has something that is good about them.  It may not be apparent to me or the rest of the world but there had to have been something good about this person if he was created in God's image.  I blame the nature and nurture debate for anything that goes awry with someone.  They were perfect when created, someone here must have screwed them up!  Just my belief! 

The news left me feeling a bit off needless to say.  I think our troops have done a phenomenal job in creating a safer world but at the same time -- why can't we all just get along?!  Accept the differences in each other and rejoice in the fact that we are all different and have something unique to offer the world.  What does this have to do with my cancer battle you might wonder.  Not much, and everything.  Directly my life is not affected by whether Bin Laden is alive or dead, anymore than any other criminal or terrorist.  Indirectly, I relish the idea of each of us having something different to offer.  If everyone was like me then cancer would be running rampant in the community because I know little to nothing about how to fix it.  Luckily there are others with their own unique abilities who know how to research and think and plan and treat so that I can get better.  What if a serial killer (I know, I know - I don't like the idea either) held the secret to curing cancer?  Wouldn't the world be a better place if we had access to that information by way of him/her living?   What if, for example, that serial killer had cancer and upon his/her death samples of the tumors were taken and a vaccine was developed from the findings?  Wouldn't that make this horrible person capable of something good?

Too much time to think today I guess.  Everyone is back at school and work and I have been working on checking off my to-do list.  I should probably be working right now but I find my mind is too scattered given the day's events to try to focus.  Em will be home in a bit and we have to go to town to open her savings account.  When I go in I will do the few errands that I have to do and in the meantime maybe I could get some housework done.  It's just an idea. 

On another note, yesterday my first group of second graders made their First Communion.  I snuck into church hoping not to draw attention away from the teachers I had left in charge of my class when I left.  I felt that since they had done all the prep work for getting the cherubs to their day I would just sit in the background and watch.  Not in the plan...I was spotted by a mom who relayed my presence to the director and, before I knew it, I was handing out certificates at the end of Mass.  I felt like I was intruding on their day but they insisted that it was my place to be there since it was my class.  I don't agree, but I will do as they ask since they have been so wonderful about supporting me.  Next week I will try harder to stay out of sight!  :)

Keeping the faith! :~)

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