Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm feeling anxious

I don't know why the change in regimen is making me feel so antsy.  If it is tougher to deal with, I will still deal with it.  I just don't know what to expect at the moment.  I think I will be better tomorrow once the whole thing is behind me.  I only have 4 total treatments on this part of the regimen and then I will be DONE.  I can't imagine anything more exciting than having survived chemo, except maybe surviving cancer in general. 

I had an incident today that might be adding to my anxiety.  I have tried, very hard I might add, to make sure that I don't make anyone uncomfortable with my bald head.  I know I am really self-conscious about this even though everyone who has encountered it has said I have a wonderful head for being bald.  I even thanked my mom for giving me such a great head.  That being said, however, I very rarely leave the house without my head covered.  Today I went to go upstairs to grab a book and there were children walking up my walkway.  I was uncovered.  They knocked on my door and said to me "GO Bruins!"  They were neighborhood children, none older than 5, so I stooped to talk to them and asked them about how much they love the Bruins.  Things got very quiet very quickly once I went to the door and I was grateful for the moms coming.  I wanted to apologize to them but didn't since I didn't want it to appear to be an issue.  I certainly hope neither of them has to explain to their children tonight why Mrs. Shapiro doesn't have any hair.  I's my issue.

I must call my mother.  I have not spoken to her for a couple of weeks and she had my sister text me to see if she could visit with us in mid-July.  I really need to get back to her before I forget.  Things don't stay in my head for very long now-a-days. 

Keeping the faith! :~)

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