Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Not sure what to do now

Okay, so now the cancer is gone.  My surgeon is delighted.  I am beside myself with you.  Everyone has sent along congratulations and best wishes.  Now I am at a loss...  I have been fighting this battle for seven months now.  I still have pain from surgery.  The scars are there and will be always.  I have it in my head that I am battling cancer, but the battle is over.  What do I do with myself?  Okay, so the battle is not completely over.  I still have to get clearance from my oncologist, whom I will see tomorrow, and I need to complete radiation.  When exactly do I start thinking like a "normal" person again and not constantly worrying about the next doctor visit or test result.  Will normal ever really be normal?

I was at DF yesterday to see my surgeon.  I drove myself into the hospital.  As I was waiting for the elevator a woman came in who was obviously very anxious and agitated along with a friend (who had obviously driven and was there for support).  They chatted back and forth while waiting for the elevator about how they weren't sure where they were going.  I asked and apparently she was there to register so I directed her and offered support.  It was strange, like a full-circle moment. 

As for now, I continue to work on my transcription and hope to get a phone call to sub at a school.  I did get a call yesterday (while I was in Boston) but I know that it is still early.  I am sure that before long I will be focused on subbing and getting back to work, as well as back to school, and I will think less and less about my diagnosis and treatment and will focus on the future.  For now I feel like I am in limbo and not sure which way to turn.  Just for now I am going to focus on the good results treatment has given me and how happy I am that I will have a future with my family.

Keeping the faith! :~)

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