Monday, March 14, 2011

First things first...

I want to start by saying that I have been very diligent about yearly exams, mammograms, eating as naturally as possible, and staying mildly active.  I felt like I was doing everything right.  Still...I found the lump.  Having worked in the medical field for most of my adult life I knew that lumps occasionally pop up and that they can go away on their own.  I assumed this would be the case.  When, after a couple of months, it did not I decided to have it checked out.  Wow!  This was the beginning of the whirlwind!

In the past two weeks I have been poked, prodded, pinched, manipulated, incised, and reassured by some wonderful people.  Everyone smiles and tells you not to worry, everything will be okay.  I believe that 98% of the time.  However, their eyes spoke different words and I knew the final result would be less than ideal.  Therefore, 2% of the time I cry and feel bad for myself and my family.  I know that is normal and will happen. 

I await tomorrow and know that whatever they tell me I will handle -- sometimes well and other times not so well.  I am surrounded by people who love me and want to help.  My biggest challenge is going to be letting go of my control on my life and letting others do things for me the way they do things. 

Keeping the faith!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Kim I just read your Facebook Wall and I am now following your blog. I'm glad that you have a diagnosis and now you can work at fighting this battle. I know you will succeed!!! If there is anything at all I can do to help, please let me know. You are in my prayers and I know you will come out winning this battle!
