Friday, February 10, 2012

Week three done!

Radiation has been going well.  I have just finished my third of six weeks and am "looking forward" to starting week four.  My doctor tells me that I might start getting tired about now.  I will just keep taking my super B vitamin and hopefully that will get me through.  Today I have not felt tired yet but sometimes it sets in around 10:00 or so in the morning.  I find myself watching the Nate Berkus show and the next thing I know I wake up and the cat is slapping me with her paw because she wants her lunch.  Sorry Nate but I have missed most of your shows this week. 

Today might be different.  I am waiting for a call from my daughter's doctor.  She told me a few weeks ago that she had a lump on her neck and I told her to keep an eye on it and let me know if it changes.  She had not said anything so I assumed that it had resolved.  She tells me yesterday that the lump is still there and getting bigger and that there are other lumps too.  We took a quick trip to the doctor's office and she had some blood work done.  I am waiting to hear the results.  Of course my first thought is lymphoma.  After chatting with her on the way home she too is worried about it being cancer.  It is "funny" how you think that people around your are totally unconcerned about what is happening and then you realize they have, in fact, been paying attention and that they have fears that they never voiced.  I sometimes forget what it was like to be a teenager.  You certainly don't want your parents to know that you really do care and that you are afraid for them and for yourself.  Sorry Em.  I should have been paying closer attention.  This whole thing takes me back to when I was waiting for my own phone call.  I did check the lump this morning and to me it seems smaller and it is the only one there.  I am hopeful but it will still be a day spent walking on eggshells. 

Otherwise, I am still buried in homework.  I am so aggravated by my online course.  The teacher seems totally clueless about what is actually required in the course.  I question her regularly and get the same answer each time -- I will have to check with the team that designed the course.  I say, as a teacher myself, you should know what you require as the teacher.  You should understand what your objectives are, what the assignments involve, and when they should due.  The team, after all, is not getting paid to teach the course.

Keeping the faith - even more today~ :~)

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