Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coming to an end

The end is near.  I can see the light and I am running towards it.  Don't worry -- it's a different light.  It is the train coming into the tunnel.  No, not that one either.  Treatment will be finished in two weeks.  It might run a little longer for the wound healing but things are still progressing.  I have been remapped for the final stage of radiation and am looking at week #5 starting Monday.  Amazing...four out of six weeks already done (well, after tomorrow's treatment).  I will see my friend Lee (whom I met at radiation) for the last time tomorrow.  Her treatment is done.  She finishes chemo today and radiation tomorrow.  She will be in my thoughts for many years to come with the hope that she never has to go through this again.  She told me today this is her second bout of cancer.  One is enough for anybody. 

I have started training for the cancer walk.  I know it is more than a year away but I want to make sure that I have plenty of time to build up my stamina again.  I am up to 2 miles a day (not including the dog walks and the running around) -- simply training miles.  I bought a pedometer because I was curious how many steps I actually do with all the running around and dog walks.  From noon on yesterday I got up to 5700.  I have the whole day today but I am not completely sure I will be able to do the 2 miles for training today.  Very busy day!  School tonight too. 

As for me, I am feeling well.  I feel strong and happy.  I am looking forward.  I get frustrated when things do not progress as quickly as I want them to but I try to remember that this is happening on God's timeline and not mine.  I need the time to heal and to meet people I am supposed to meet, like Lee and Dr. Kelly.  For some reason I am supposed to touch their lives and they are supposed to touch mine.  I never really considered that in the overall scheme of things.  Now I think about it often.  People come, people go, and people linger.  We never know who or why.

Keeping the faith!
Kim :~)

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