Friday, February 24, 2012

Almost done

I have just finished week #5 of radiation.  We have started the boost (the final, focused part of radiation) which means all the burns I have can start to heal.  My underarm is a mess and underneath my breast is not much better.  It's funny (not haha, but strange) that it took almost 5 weeks for the skin to finally show signs of ongoing burning.  OUCH!  I will be so glad when this is over.  March 5th is my last treatment, which means only 6 left.

I am starting to think my husband gave me his cold.  I have a congested feeling in my chest and a tickle in my throat.  My sinuses are still clear but there is a slight ache that tells me something is building.  I guess if I had to choose between his cold and Emily's mono I would definitely take the cold.  I would rather not have either honestly but at least I know the cold will be minimial.  I am already taking zinc to help heal my wounds so that, with the vitamin C, will help make it easier to deal with.  Add to that the fact I am going to go use my netti pot as soon as I am finished on the computer and I think everything will be just fine. 

I skipped school last night.  I am feeling a bit tired from working in kindergarten all week in addition to keeping up with school work and running to and from the doctors every day.  I also spent my day in Boston yesterday checking in with those doctors.  They were so kind to throw in a mammogram on my right breast, just for fun.  My first year is coming to an end.  I believe I was diagnosed with cancer around March 6th last year and I know I had my first chemo on March 24th.  I still don't know when I can officially consider myself cancer free but I kind of do now.  I look forward to my yearly checkups and my official five year mark.  They will be here before we know it!

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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