Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I have always been told to be careful about what I wish for because you might just get it.  I wished for some peace and quiet and some time to hang around my house and do what I wanted to do.  This is vacation week so there is no work.  Emily has gone to New York on a school trip and Steve is working.  I have the house to myself.  It is quiet.  My house is clean.  My projects that I had planned to accomplish this week are done (and it's only Wednesday) so I find myself wandering from room to room wondering what to do next.  I am bored. 

I have lost 3 pounds since treatment ended and for this I am glad.  I keep trying to focus on vegetable sources of nourishment and thinking of different ways to get vegetables into our meal plan.  So far this has been a work in progress.  We certainly are trying some different things this week, like Napa cabbage and watercress.  I have made soup and bean burgers (which were actually quite tasty) and a great big salad.  I feel full and satisfied.  I am working on getting in two water jugs in so I stay well hydrated although I am averaging one and perhaps another 8 ounces.  I have not gotten much activity in other than our usual walks and I know that this would certainly be a help in achieving my goal of 1 pound a week.  I go back to the doctor's office at the end of May and I would like to be down about 5 more pounds.  I think that would be a great start on my journey to fabulous health and longevity.  It will also put me under 200 pounds for the first time in I can't remember when.  I am listening to The Revolution on TV while I am doing my computer stuff and they are talking about burning 7000 calories in one day as a way of working through a roadblock.  I don't know if the block is that big but I know I could certainly do more.  Perhaps after I get my homework done I will shoot for a few hundred calorie burn.  According to the show 7000 calories burned is 2 pounds lost.  It sounds like a huge time investment and perhaps a little obsessive.  I will go for manageable.

I hate my classes.  There I said it.  I have come to the end of my program and I am working on the legal aspects of teaching and SpEd in particular.  I know there are laws that need to be followed, and procedures that are nonnegotiable but I am not good with remembering case studies and setting up legal briefs.  If I wanted to do that I would have gone into law.  I have 9 weeks left in these two particular courses and I will muddle my way through but I am having a dilly of a time trying to get my assignments completed.  I guess with that being said I will get back to it.

I will persevere!
Kim :~)

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