Saturday, March 17, 2012

Getting busy again

I know I should have learned better over the past year to take some time for me but I find myself once again feeling like I am on the go all the time.  I have returned to work and I am so happy that I have.  I missed being in the classroom working with students on a regular basis.  That being said, however, I also find myself really tired this weekend.  I even had to teach a lesson this morning, which is Saturday, for my own school work so that I can finish up my literature review.  I finally threw up my hands where that is concerned too.  I am supposed to submit a rough draft of my review by tomorrow at midnight.  I honestly did not even know what a literature review was.  I finally googled it and got a sample to work by.  I think I should be able to get the review done by tomorrow but I am not sure how everything I have done for this assignment works together.  There are two weeks left to class and then I can put this behind me for good!  Can't wait.

My other class, on the other hand, is going very well.  I actually did complete my critical task and now only have to organize it into the book format so it can be entered into my portfolio.  I am going to print a copy, which is going to empty my inkwells and deplete my paper supply, but I want to have a printed copy that I can use until I can afford to have one professionally created and bound.  I am hoping my girlfriend's husband can help me with this project but if not I am sure I can figure out where else to have it done. 

Healthwise, I feel great.  Treatments ended March 5th and I have had a followup with my surgeon's nurse practitioner and the wound clinic.  Both are very pleased with the progress I have made.  The wound clinic actually decided that I should stop packing the wound.  The cauterized it and told me to simply keep gauze over the wound so any drainage will be taken care of and that I should just let it heal up at this point.  Sounds great to me!  The funny thing is that I find myself standing in the bathroom wondering why I am there and feeling like I need to do something.  My guess is that it will take me a few days to get used to not having to focus on my breast every day.  The radiation burns have healed almost completely, even at the boost site, and I am guessing by the time I go back to the radiation oncologist for my followup on the 26th  the appearance will be pretty much back to normal.  Will have to wait and see. 

Keeping the faith!
Kim :~)

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