Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I have very little patience left given the holiday seasons and my daughter is treading on my last nerve!  It is unbelievable to me that someone can be so smart and yet so clueless.  Where did she learn to be so entitled.  It is not like we have given her everything she wants and it's not like she gets to make the decisions in this life.  How can she have four accidents in four months and still claim "It's your fault for making me drive the truck"?  Where the hell did we go wrong with this one?!  I see glimpses of goodness from time to time and I think -- Yes she is going to be okay.  Then she has an incident that is COMPLETELY her fault and she cannot accept the responsibility for it!  Tell me again why I became a parent.  429 days until she turns 18.

The holidays are marching along and I feel completely wiped out and overwhelmed.  I have only been working one day a week so it's not like that is the issue.  I just feel completely drained.  I am so tired of EVERYTHING.  I have no energy left for getting through the day.  I could use a week away at a spa. 

On the health front, one of my wounds has healed.  The other is making progress.  However, progress is slow.  I have to devote one day a week to the wound clinic and, until this week, one day a week to going into Boston to visit with them.  I then spend the other days trying to manage work, home, and a daughter who has no sense of responsibility -- sorry I am getting off track again.  Anyway, at least school is over for now and I can get to bed at a reasonable hour, which this week has been 8:00.  Up at 5:00, down at 8:00 -- what a life.

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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