Sunday, July 10, 2011

I sometimes wonder...

Why did I have children?  Why did I insist on getting the dog?  Why am I the only one (few exceptions) who knows how to start the laundry?  Why can I not keep my house clean?  When is my hair going to actually grow (present stubble appreciated but questionable)?  Does anyone really care?  (Yes I know they do!)  Why does summer have to be so hot?  Why can I be so self-absorbed sometimes?  Why are some people so superficial and self-centered?  Ahhhh.....  No I don't expect any answers really.

Today is a beautiful Sunday.  The temperatures have been tolerable and the humidity is down.  There is really nothing to complain about.  I have not had to work all weekend because I worked Friday, which I don't usually do.  I have to check my school work sites but that shouldn't take too long.  All my assignments have been submitted and I am already working on the reading for this week's class.  Time management has not been so much of an issue this week.  I have actually had enough time to make hubby take me for a ride on his motorcycle.  Nothing too exciting -- just a run for gas and milk. 

The coming week might be more challenging though.  I have class tomorrow and have a couple of assignments due that actually require me to write something.  I have a philosophy statement regarding diversity to create and a group project on addressing poverty in the classroom.  I also have a critical task due in the other class but I am not sure what I am supposed to be doing with it.   I was pretty sure I had done everything I needed to do with it but it was supposed to be an ongoing project over the past few weeks and there has been no feedback from the teacher.  This is why I really prefer face-to-face classes rather than online classes.  If I have a question I can present it directly and not via e-mails.  Something seems to get lost in e-mail communications. 

I also have treatment this week and injection too.  This will be the treatment before the last treatment or as I refer to it, the last treatment before we wear our t-shirts.  The girls and I made t-shirts for the family that we will wear to our last infusion.  Treatment this week is early, 6:45.  That means we need to leave here by 5:15 or so.  Next week is 6:30 so it will be 5:00 at the latest.  It will be funny seeing the girls drag themselves out of bed so we can be on the road by 5:00.  Teenagers up by 5:00 a.m. -- can you imagine?!  We meet with the surgeon soon and I am hopeful that the treatment plan will be changed and will not require as much surgery or radiation.  I am dreading 30 treatments of radiation for a tumor that has pretty much disappeared.  Doesn't really make sense to me.  Of course, I will do as I am told -- be the good patient I am supposed to be.  I want it gone, by any means necessary. 

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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