Monday, May 14, 2012

Everything is different now...

I'm different now.  Things that seemed to bother me greatly in the past are like water off a duck's back.  Still, there are things now that are SOOOO important to me and I will stand my ground to preserve them.  One of these things is my sense of self.  I am valuable and unique and gifted in ways that many others are not.  I am not being conceited here -- I am simply stating that I have talents and gifts from God that are unique to me and I see a value in the little things now that I used to take for granted.  I am kind, smart, loyal, and have great faith in my God, my fellow human beings, and myself.  I get that things do not always work out as we think they should but they always work out the way they are supposed to.  Sometimes we just have to give up butting heads and let the chips fall.  It always turns out right. 

There has been much upheaval lately.  Steve and I butted heads big time over the weekend but managed to love each other through it.  We ended up having a great weekend and I think we both realize how much we truly love each other and are willing to fight to stay together.  That being said, no one can push my buttons the way he can, or I can his.  Sometimes I wonder how we have managed to get through times like this and I know there is divine intervention going on here and for that I am grateful. 

Other family members and friends are not faring as well.  My prayers go out to Jess and Glen and Mike and his wife.  Remember the plan is not really ours to determine.  Have faith that things will turn out as they should.  There is no guarantee that we have the people in our lives forever.  Some come and go quickly while others stay and yet others come and go from our lives as the need presents.  Appreciate them while you have them.  It's impossible to do so once they are gone. 

Feeling a little melancholy and reflective today I guess...

Kim :~)

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