Friday, November 25, 2011

Lots to be thankful for

My older daughter pointed out that she had been checking my blog only to notice that it had been a while since I had posted.  Shame on me!  It seems that since I went back to work the days have flown by and I find myself resisting any contact with my computer.  To add to this, we are on Thanksgiving break from school, which makes it equally tempting to resist contact with the computer.  Anyway, for Lauren, I am posting a few thoughts about how things are going.

The cancer is gone, as I have mentioned.  The wounds are healing nice, after a scary bout with lymphedema (I thought I had another cancer for a while there).  I now know the swelling is caused by excess fluid because of the abscess and surgeries.  I know that I need to stay well hydrated and massage any areas that tend to become enlarged and dimpled.  The biopsy for the second cancer was completely negative.  The wicks are still in place and are draining "nicely."  I guess I am doing a great job keeping things clean and progressing towards healing.  The surgeon expects that I should be healed and able to do radiation within the next month.  LET'S HOPE SO!

As for everything else, I feel great!  I am grateful to have assignments again and am eager (most days) to jump in the car and drive to whereever it is I have been assigned.  The kids have been great and the teachers are so supportive.  I have even done a school that I have only been at once, before the cancer diagnosis.  It was a good day.   This week I have a much more open schedule and look forward to taking as many as four assignments.  We will have to see how it goes.

The holidays are slipping by.  Halloween is a distant memory.  Thanksgiving is done.  I have started to make plans with the family for Hanukah and Christmas will follow soon.  I started shopping only a little.  Today is Black Friday and I refuse to become involved in the chaos of the day.  I have decided to devote my time to getting my transcription done, doing some homework, and getting caught up on e-mails and blogs that I have been avoiding.  By the end of the day I am sure I will feel like I have accomplished much.

Tomorrow our friends are coming from Portland to spend the day.  We will make some of our Christmas gifts and spend some time catching up.  It has been quite a while since we have been able to get together.  THIS is what the holidays are about, not the presents! 

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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