Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm scared!

I went back to work on Friday.  It was amazing to be back in the classroom.  I have an assignment this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon.  This is not why I am scared, however.  Last night when I was changing my dressings I noticed that the left breast was much redder than the right and when I looked closer there was an orange peel.  Now, since I have been a medical transcriptionist for 20 (million) years I know this is not normal appearance for skin.  Since this is the same breast that the cancer was in makes me even more anxious.  My first instinct was that this was from edema and that it would resolve over the next day or two but since the last time I decided to rely on my strategy of waiting I was diagnosed with cancer I decided to do some checking.  First thing I checked was inflammatory breast cancer.  I knew the presentation involved redness and dimpling.  Unfortunately I could not get a good enough picture to put my mind at least.  Therefore, I did the next best thing...I called the last doctor I had seen (the wound clinic).  They could not see me this morning and I did not want to give up my assignment for this afternoon so they suggested I call my PCP, which I did, and I went in to see her.  She reassured me that it did not look like the cases of inflammatory breast cancer that she had seen in her training.  She looked worried though and is sending me for an ultrasound so I know it is not a simple case of edema.  I must practice my newly acquired skills of thinking completely positive, not worrying (which I really suck at), and being patient.  I will be back at the wound clinic Friday and hopefully by then this will all be a bad memory!

Keeping the faith!  :~)

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